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Re: what are they? Probably cholesterol stones
Cambridge Views: 1,608
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Re: what are they? Probably cholesterol stones

Hi Dill

Sounds like you have had a successful Liverflush. The many green round objects are 'stones' made from cholesterol (soft fatty material), that up to now have been choking up your liver tubes and gall bladder.

Hopefully as a result your liver can now work more efficiently, and you will feel a whole lot better for the difference.

Please be aware that once the liver makes cholesterol from fats (yes most of the body's cholesterol is self made, only some comes from food sources), they cannot be unmade, and can only leave the body via the bile exuded from the liver. Bile exudation is hampered if the tubes get blocked by cholesterol stones, then the liver gets chocked up and all sorts to health problems can arise.

There are some Naturopathic sources that reckon cholesterol stones occur because the body is running in the acid side (too much meat, carbohydrates, not enough juices, salads, veg or fruit - which are alkalising in their effect). While it is a good idea to do some repeat Liver Flushes to remove what stones you already have, it might be an idea to push up the fresh produce in your diet to prevent more stones being created (pH test your saliva, you are on track when you get an alkaline reading (i.e. greater than pH 7).

Well done on your Liver Flush - keep up the good work

Steve Cambridge


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