Great Results!
I first want to apologize about something. I tried to phone and email Humaworm about two months ago, but I did not receive an answer. I became very upset and posted some negative comments about the company on this forum. I regret having done so, and I want to apologize. I can tell from reading this forum that the company has integrity far beyond that particular failure. I would that all companies would care about the welfare of people as much as this one does! Also, the product is extremely effective.
My wife, daughter, and I all did the Humaworm parasite cleanse. We passed a lot of nasty stuff out of our bodies. I passed chunks of tapeworms, worms, flukes, eggs, and other stuff as well. We are all feeling better and more energetic since we did the cleanse. We also did the lung cleanse, and are now doing the liver cleanse. I am still passing chunks of dead parasites.
My daughter had Lyme Disease, Bartonella, and Babesiosis for about 4 years. She was extremely sick. She had profound fatigue, extreme pain, and many other horrible symptoms. The tests for these diseases are pathetically inaccurate and yielded false negatives. Several doctors denied that she had Lyme. Instead, they said that she just had Epstein Barre, and just needed bed rest. It is true that she had Epstein Barre, but there is no way that Epstein Barre can make the person as sick as the combination of having these other diseases. My daughter was losing the ability to walk. She layed in her bed crying in hysterical writhing pain. At night she went in deleriums throwing her head back and forth and was in drenching feverish sweats. Her right arm was almost dead and useless and had extreme hypersensitivity. When she walked, her soles hurt so bad that it felt that she was walking on hot coals. Mental issues, sound sensitivity, Etc, etc.
She was finally properly diagnosed by a Lyme literate physician. However, after five months of treatment, her Babesiosis appeared to be eradicated, but her other symptoms caused by the other diseases were even worse. We went to a person that does BioResonance Testing. that test revealed that she had a severe case of parasites. The person doing that testing said that it was the worse case of parasites that she had ever seen in 18 years of testing (thousands of patients). My daughters gall bladder was in extremely poor condition due to parasites, and was in danger of having to be removed if we didn't do something right away. I found out that Lyme patients will never get better if parasites are not removed first.
We immediately took my daughter off of the high does of three antibiotics that she was on. We dropped the doctor that was treating her. We immediately started her on Paragon and she immediately started feeling better. We treated parasites for 2 months. Then we resumed some antibiotics and integrated herbs into the treatment. In five months she was symptom free from Lyme Disease and the coinfections.
The parasites returned a few months later. A blood test that tests for a particular facet of the immune system revealed that our daughters immune system is still suppressed. This is the CD57 test. She has been getting sick with everything that comes along.... H1N1, other flu, stomach virus, etc. Her gallbladder and stomach had also become painful again. We treated with Humaworm and a ballbladder cleanse product and the pains have gone away. We are using the Humaworm In Between Formula and have already used the Lung Cleanse. We plan to use your Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse repeatedly to clear those organs.
We believe that Humaworm is the product to use from this point on. You have a great product!