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Re: I may have Leaky Gut. Please Help.
lisag Views: 3,615
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 15,859

Re: I may have Leaky Gut. Please Help.

Members of the nightshade family - tomatoes, potatoes and red/green peppers are indeed supposed to make leaky gut worse. I've been reading dr. Pagano's healing- Psoriasis book - he states that Psoriasis is due to leaky gut, sending undigested food particles out into the blood stream, and then the body tries to release them out of the skin. It turns out from what i've learned on curezone, that you also have to have a gene active in order to actually get Psoriasis/Eczema. So although you don't have psoriasis, plants in the nightshade family would still exacerbate the leaky gut situation.

There's one more tea besides the above that's been known to help, that's american saffron. (the cheap saffron. the other saffron, italian saffron is $100 an ounce!)


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