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Re: Genetic Cancer Theory Disproven Yet Continues to be Propagated
woody7 Views: 2,962
Published: 15 y
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Re: Genetic Cancer Theory Disproven Yet Continues to be Propagated

great post,
my only question is in my own brother when he was 51 years old got diagnosed with a gbm grade 4 brain tumor,4 years later to the day my sister who was the same age at the time got diagnosed with same it hereditary i dont know,but what ive learned in my studies is that dna is timed released,like you said we all have cancer cells in ourselves and we constantly kill thoughts are that you cant change the timing of the release of dna but you can change what the dna will change into if you take care of your self.on a side note my mother had 9 brothers and sisters they all have heart problems,now my father has 10 brothers and sisters and there all hard of hearing , so i think that some things your gonna get , but i know we can change the outcome, thanks for the info luella
god bless


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