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Re: Cayenne - Fact or Fiction?
seek2clean Views: 1,545
Published: 15 y
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Re: Cayenne - Fact or Fiction?

Most recently I have been keeping a few items on board:

* consistently for 5 years R.O. water re-mineralized with addition of D.E. aka diatomaceous earth/silica

* digestive grape bitters

* B-12 and B-9 specifically for anemia, along with B complex

* oat bran

* magnesium citrate powder

* amla berry powder (vit.C)

* zinc

* licorice root

* chickweed

* sarsaparilla

* good oils - coconut, olive, sunflower, sesame, almond

* rice milk - NO cow's milk

I eat as well as possible with emphasis on fruits and vegetables - mindful of hidden sugars, preservatives, and other unwanted chemicals.

I find sunshine extremely beneficial, along with laughter.
I feel pretty good as of this date

I do not allow anything to stress me to the extreme - stress alone is responsible for many levels of un-well.

I would be more than happy to update this periodically - sharing is what it is all about, so thank you for asking!



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