Re: Oral health
Can you comment on the best why to improve the health of receding gum tissue (oral hygiene and supplements). Is it possible to regrow gum tissue without oral surgery.
I did a post on how to make a simple tooth powder that will help to kill the bacteria contributing to the problem:
Use this frequently throughout the day to keep the bacteria down.
A couple of other things that can help include chewing on xylitol gum frequently, or sucking on zinc tablets. Zinc tablets don't taste very good but you get used to the taste. The zinc helps to kill the bacteria, freshen the breath and promotes healing of the gums. If you can find 10mg tablets these would be the best since this will allow you to such on them several times daily without going overboard on dosage.
The gums should gradually grow back.
One last thing is to drink water throughout the day. Not water containing drinks, but actual water. A dry mouth contributes to bacterial build up and damage.