okay i was in a relationship for 4 years and is two weeks since we broke up. it was a realtionship full of ends and beginnings in which i was very hurted but I didint have the conversation about our truth with ex. When i decided to broke up i just didnt call him i wrote 3 emails about all things which hurted me, about his and others manipulation etc. We didnt speak since then. I know that he is thinking of me i can feel it, but without his call which i dont expect - i was the one who was allways calling , I only wish that he would have so much courage to call me and talk about everything. Now I am having almost everyday some dreams. The last one was that i was sitting in a room full of people and some young guy came in to the room. He was searching for something and i knew that he was searching for me. He finnally found me and gave me a piece of paper on which was my ex writing : please give me my thoth paste back. You can leave it in the bag.By