Ask Barefoot (MH) has a dewormer that is a liquid. Check out his forum on Curezone. His website address is at the top of the forum page. Right now he has a special on the dewormer. He has three young boys himself and I have heard that he had the oldest do a liver flush. You can ask him about doses for a child. A lot of people on Ask Doc Sutter swear by Barefoot's dewormer. I took it myself for three months and was not sick at all when I did a liver flush. They recommend never getting off of the dewormer.
I want to get some dewormer for my eight-year old and sixteen year old daughters and myself. Actually, I want to get it for the whole family, but $$ is not avail right now. My eight-year old has taken Humaworm with no problems. She pushed the capsules (they are small) into some yogurt and swallowed them right down. Probably want to do some Metamucil (my daughter will drink it no problem) with it or some fiber and plenty of water. It is just psyllium husk with orange flavor and some sugar.