I too had no results in the first LF, I did have excellent results after that...until my 6th LF...it was a dud. I have so far got out about 500 stones...all green. I think the first Liver-Flush generally loosens up the stones and fat (for fatty liver) for subsequent discharge. Depending upon the quality of your health, you may have a dud or two...this basically means that the stones deep inside the liver are being dislodged and are moving towards the ducts for subsequent discharge. It is for this reason you may have to do 2-3 Liver-Flush with a no stone discharge for complete elimination. I would not unduely worry about stones getting stuck...so long as you use the Epsom salt.
I personally like Andreas method...I think it is great. After my 6th dud LF, I had my blood work done. I had my total cholesterol come down to 148 from 206. Upto 200 is supposed to be normal. Do not worry...you will do fine, just follow the protocol to the letter. Good luck!