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emotional link to lips?
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emotional link to lips?

hi there! Accounts of a couple of former people posting here years ago etc etc..has redirected me back again towards the IMMUNE SYSTEM and how much the EMOTIONS can play a part..

"Theres a large body of evidence that emotional conflict can give rise to allergies" and saying that our immune systems are being compromised.

There exists a major junction of ganglion nerves radiating to all parts of the abdominal cavity..and is referred to sometimes as the abdominal brain...When we are stressed we feel it in the stomach, at the extreme we vomit on being overwhelmed by negative emotions due to an experince we can not cope or handle or consider "sick"..

so theres a link too of emotions with STOMACH and the nerve junction afore mentioned can me located with forceps metaphorically speaking, and alternative practioners locate the same place but call it the SOLAR PLEXSUS..

Thus the abdominal brain/solar plexsus is the control centre where we digest and process and assimilate emotions which in turn, like food has it's effect on the body PHYSICALLY. So Good food diet and good thought diet leads to happy healthy balanced whole body..
I've since discovered too that the LIVER is the "storehouse" for emotions current and past...

Previous "Lip"searches has made a link to a stomach disorder.

A former person with peeling lips was told by her Practioner she had too much "heat in her belly"..

An old folk remedy was smearing butter (oil?) on the navel!
whether they massaged it around and about on the belly i don't know?

Peoples symptoms abated on holiday, another on giving birth to a baby..both happy occaisons? ok the fever isn't but in intense discomfort you really aren't focusing on the daily anxieties and niggles in life?!

My symptoms developed on the onset of intensive meditation which aside from stilling the mind is a purification process at all levels..perhaps it was brought to the surface for clearing..i started mediation after a long period of enduring a stressfull and toxic situation, by which time the ball for ec internally had been rolling for some time?

Calendula organic gel was the first product i slapped on my inflammed lips and face in india, the cool relief was instant although replaced it with just water after a week..
Interestingly the brazilian guy in the successful trial was given calendula AND antidepressents.

Yes antidepressents have their place..but can also mask repress numb and keep people "stuck in their ways" without resolving emotional wounds conflicts. etc..

Emotion is afterall ENERGY IN MOTION but if become blocked, repressed, stuck, frozen, pushed down,or ignored with the help of aversions and not dealt can divert into unhealthy expressions? Behavioural and physical for eg in the form of irritations, rashes, inflammation etc ON THE SKIN!

What i can't understand though is why its expressed this way on the LIPS? Whats on the surface or under it that is no where else, apart from spit? Saliva samples are tested for all manner of things apart from drugs, you can test it for levels of stress cortisol too!? Are we literally allergic to stress on our lips then??

I best put the kettle on, dob a bit of butter on my navel do some deep breathing from the belly whilst eating a chocolate twinkie in readiness for a relaxing footbath..



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