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Better prove it, Miss Slander
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Better prove it, Miss Slander

badlips: "Well, awhile ago you wrote that you hoped the acidophilus cure would not work for others."

I NEVER wrote this, and I insist that you PROVE it by showing the link to it where I ever said this on the forum, or otherwise you must admit that you often lie and make stuff up.

Prove it.

Badlips: "I do not know of anyone who healed their lips with EO soap besides you. I know your EC was caused by an allergy, but you wrote the EC soap helped to heal your lips after you avoided the allergant."

I NEVER said that EO soap was a cure for me. In fact, I said it was not a cure but only something that helped support healing. So your argument that it was not a cure is pretty pointless.

Badlips: "If you read the forum, you can see that the acidophilus improved some people's lips so far, but their lips have not completely healed yet."

Who are these people? Are they actually separate people from yourself?

What are their names? Why don't they post very much if they are pleased with their progress?

Can you ask them to give everyone the benefit of their knowledge by posting exactly how the acidophilus has gone for them?

Is there any ONE person who is still today trying the acidophilus? If so, what is his/her/their screen names?

Anyway, you said the cure happens in less than a week -- how many weeks should someone try it if it didn't help them in a week?

Badlips: "If people keep seeing others being attacked, they might not bother to post."

I do not "attack" anyone here.

You have deserved everything I have said to you (and everything I've bitten my tongue to keep myself from saying).

In fact, it is you and you alone (not even Kid8 was so illogical and annoying) who has made me stop visiting this forum and contributing, except for occasionally, because it's so unpleasant here now.

That unpleasantness has turned many people away, I'm sure.


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