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thunder d.u Views: 8,307
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 15,762


Hi Janet,
Dont worry about the sugars , they are all natural fructose sugars, & do not irritate the gut lining like sucrose. Even Type 2 Diabetics are enjoying improvement & actually lowering their Sugar with mangosteen juice.
A lot af the problems associated with I.B.S is the inflammation that is the result of constant irritation either by allergies or intolerance to certain foods & drinks. Antibiotic drugs add to the problem
by killing off useful bacteria that normally share the intestines with the bad. It is kinda like spraying a garden to kill bugs , but also wiping out the spiders that eat them.
The XANTHONES (43 now identified in Mangosteen),& the other phytonutrients provided are an extremely potent synergistic brew.
They are reported scientifically to be the strongest natural ANTI-INFLAMMATORIES ever discovered, a very high ORAC reading (ANTIOXIDANTS), & contain Cox 1 & 2 inhibitors (pain preventors)
All that & anti-bacterial, anti- viral, & anti- fungal properties certainly gives the G.I tract the chance to mend itself, which happened with me.
I certainly remember the undeserving "hang overs", flu symptoms,
sore, & out of focus eyes, drained weak feelings, rashes, stiff necks , head aches, etc on top of the abdominal spasms & diarrhea. On top of that my Thyroid became unstable with the poisons so I got bad heart palpitations after meals.
Remember with leaky gut your system can absorb minute faecal matter,fermented gases,anaerobic bacteria,& candida fungus .
I know that the mangosteen juice allowed my gut wall to heal & prevent these invasions, because nothing else ever did.
Mangosteen works wholistically on the body. Please listen to Dr Phillips AUDIO website listed below & best wishes!



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