Facts on the Recovery Act
The Recovery Act was passed without the vote of a single House Republican and only 3 Republican Senators (only 2 now). The bill, include $27 billion for highway and bridge construction projects. The person in charge of deciding which transportation projects would receive funding is Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood, who is a former Republican Congressman.
Recovery Act legislation extended or increased unemployment benefits for more than 18 million Americans. It made health insurance 65 percent cheaper for families who get their coverage through COBRA, and passed 25 different tax cuts. There are million Americans working today, who would otherwise be unemployed. Two hundred thousand are working in construction and clean energy. Three hundred thousand are teachers and other education workers. Tens of thousands are cops, firefighters, correctional officers, and first responders, who remain employed.
The Recovery Act included $86.6 billion for Medicaid, $100 million for meals programs for seniors, such as Meals on Wheels, $100 million for free school lunch programs, $1.3 billion for medical care for service members and military families, $1 billion for the Veterans Health Administration, $44.5 billion in aid to local school districts to prevent layoffs and cutbacks, $2.1 billion for Head Start, $19.9 billion for the Food Stamp Program, $14.2 billion to give one-time $250 payments to Social Security recipients, and veterans receiving disability and pensions, $3.95 billion for job training, $500 million for vocational training for the disabled, $120 million for subsidized community service jobs for older Americans, and much more.
I suspect, that these services are being used by more than a few residents in Republican congressional districts. It's important to remember, that except for 3 Republican Senators every Republican member Congress voted NO.