because of the abdominal ain pain in sternum and pain in shulderblade right abdomen and nausea and pain in upper back and pancras enyzmes being slighty raised normal is 100 mine were raised at 128 which he said isnt treu pancrattitis but something causing it like a gallbladder not functioning probaly he said its so thickned its a mess hes recomded it be taking out asap hes ut me down for emergencey surgery so should be done in next 4 weeks this is nhs btw in england so emergency usually is 4 weeks non emergency is 3 months and bcause i cant take anyone touching my right area he can see im in alot of pain i seem to get it worse when i eat fat thats when i have the most severe attacks
what are your thoughts on this?
im thinking after i have it removed bout doing the liver test i would like to see if the liver is struggling or not do u think it may still be a good idea to do a liver test once its out and im feeling better touch wood?Its just because i thought if u couldnt digest fat which i cant its the liver and gallbladder what do u think?