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Re: My 11 year old son has done 5 flushes
btm66 Views: 1,712
Published: 20 y
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Re: My 11 year old son has done 5 flushes

I looked for the ruby red grapefruit at Walmart last night, and of course, they didn't have it. The oil concerns me, because when I did it about 4 years ago, I remember it was gross. However, I feel the Liver Flush is what caused me to start having regular bowel movements. I mostly concerned about him not getting any carbs for that long.

I have Type 1 diabetes and have constant yeast problems and an iridologist told me I have parasites, which my mother said I had roundworms when I was 2. So I think I have passed these on to my son via breastmilk. However, I have a 2 year old who doesn't show signs of hyperactivity, and the only thing I have done different with him is no vaccines.

Heavy metals??? Where would he get these? Vaccines?

I think my sons problem may be a fall off the bed when he was 7 mo old. I'm trying to find out if NCR will help with this.

Do you know if liver problems would cause pain in his back, between his shoulder blades? He has been complaining about his back.


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