If you challenge anyone who has fallen into the cult you will be met with..."you just don't know how the conscious hierarchy works and your ego is getting in the way."
I remember he tested Bush and 911 etc and there was a very obvious agenda attached with his work and if challenged he mocks the person and becomes very indignant. Another self proclaimed enlightened being who's inner calling is to "educate" the rest of us.
In other words, he is a psy op agent dispensing code to draw people away from their own spiritual power through another flavor of spiritual separation.
He is also promoting CIA driven ACIM very heavily. This is just another of many belief systems that aims to create separation within the target mind. It can be easily seen as another variation of the "daddy god" christianity model, only revamped and repackaged for a more sophisticated age. The metaphor for this is new cheese leading to the same trap.