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Re: 8 weeks post removal
vern7801 Views: 2,347
Published: 15 y
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Re: 8 weeks post removal

6 months of trips to the ENT, 2 heavy doses of acid reflux meds, 1 allergy med, 2 surgeries later, out of work for a month and no physical exercise allowed...I can't believe i just found this forum and figured out what could be the cause of all my problems. The feeling int he throat is so hard to explain. I can eat and drink fine, but the feeling is there all the time. I have a water bottle attached to my hip, but it doesn't make a difference and i buy cough drops by the dozens...
I am getting mine out tomorrow and can't wait. I just hope some of these symptoms go away.
I was on the pill for almost 12 years before this and never had any problems. What forms of birth control have any of you went to? I am 31 and my husband I do not plan on having kids.
thanks again


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