How I got cured
I was always sick as a child. Had chronic sinusitis from birth. low weight, slow length gains, always a head shorter than my classmates. When I was 18 I started getting really sick. When I was 20 I got REALLY messed up with cortisone, candida and I was wreck, my hair turned white I had body spasms couldnt sleep or study etc.
I got rid of the candida pretty quickly when I turned to alternative medicine with the help of a practioners and strict diet and some anti-candida herbs.
But I was still sick, nobody could figure out why.
About 2 years ago I became almost deadly sick, I threw myself over curezone and started reading like crazy, thats all I did except working.
I thought I still had the candida, so I went on some 30 anti-candida pills a day. My kidneys were hurting, I was taking giant doses of garlic, I even tried injected myself with a garlic solution, I was so desperate. The dr told me my liver was inflamed and I was bleeding internally.
I stopped with all the anti-candida meds and started on 1 Humaworm. Nothing happened, I waited 3 months, ordered the extra strength humaworm and this time took together with coQ10 4000mg a day for 4 days, BAM the whole toilet was filled with ascaris.
Next I tried zimecterin Gold, again BAM bowel movements full of sesame seeds (dog or canine tapeworm). Then I did
Liver Flushes and found out I have liver flukes, ordered Fasinex for that, took vermox and got out toxocara, took yomesan and killed of any remaining tapeworm, BUT the biggest difference was when I took albendazole, it made such a huge difference. Next I did salt for my protozoa infection which cleared in a matter of days.
Today I can function, I no longer need 12h of sleep anymore, I dont sweat all the time, I dont have to eat giant portions to feel full, I have gained about 20 pounds, I think I shat out at least 5
pounds of bugs. In total I had at least 7 types of parasites, all which are cleared now.
My success story comes from hard work, a bit daring, and solid scientific research, I have shared my knowledge with everyone and I just hope I can help other ppl get well.