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"These commenters"?
Dquixote1217 Views: 5,422
Published: 15 y
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"These commenters"?

"These commenters don't know the medical profession very well."

And how do you know that?  I would say, based on that statement, that you don't know "these commenters" very well.  You certainly don't know this one!

Most people do NOT have enough medical knowledge to make self diagnoses and it is a bit late to try to catch up on the learning curve once a problem has manifested itself, especially what could be a significant problem.  Bloody stools that happen more than once on seperate days is not something any lay person should try to diagnose over the internet.  To maintain otherwise is potentially dangerous.

When a body is passing blood, it is not the time to play guess which cause or guess what herb or remedy.  It is time to find out the cause and then determine the remedy or corrective action needed.

Mainstream doctors certainly do make improper diagnosis, but they also have the training and the tools to properly diagnose, and when it comes to a condition that is presenting bloody stools a mainstream diagnosis would have by far the best chance of determining the cause of the problem.



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