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True awareness and love to God, ask youself and you receive!!!!

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Original Dr. Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

trust2009 Views: 2,734
Published: 15 y

True awareness and love to God, ask youself and you receive!!!!

how to be aware and love truly?
we have to be conscious of spirial suffering - it is what we create by our behaviour, attitude, action, work, duties, laws, justice, ecoonmy - call it what you like ;it is all you doings.

We have to see pain on others as if on us. Then, we will have mercy on other, a drop of tear all into our body, a mercy from God, an awareness, a knowledge of whereabout the pain, wrong action, corruption, sickess. Then, the miracle, results from God comes into life: it opens your eyes onto living God, his creation, its beauty, its joy, love, peace, harmony, strength, health, belief, attraction, smile, elevation- all the mistory will come out of the treature of heaven,out of the secret drop of tear, out of God, natural evolusion...

But how much pain you need or can tolerate before you have a tear?Does the people before us have a tear?
You wait for all the evil to come first; you are ashame of these yours tear, of God, mercy, love etc.; you have courage to take more pain, anger, hunger - unawreness of others suffering because of these evil in you - and you force yourself as a God, hero, richman, nobleman, not to have a tear in your body, soul; you immagin illussions, art, things, ideas, objectss of pleasure, laws, in order not to see suffering caused by your impossed action on others; you tolerate anger and evil spirit on yourselves to be unaware, ignorance, etc.; you pray God to help you to tolerate evil on you; you pray the God of darkness, not to see around you for fear that infinate pain will destroy you - and it will happen "YOU GODLESS BODY" - and evil will not take place with your Godless damn doing. Oh.. you will scream of dying hungy - not a drop of tear in you, cry of etenal anguish then, poor man you.

We need God, a drop from heaven, a tear, a treasure a heaven in you. we cannot wait to become all rich.

Is this not a Godly law of attraction? Don't you like?
Try to understand Jesus's wisdom or awareness of the spirits!!!!
blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you that are hungry now for you will be satisfied. Blessd are you that weep now for you will laugh. Blessed are you when people hate you and exclude you and denounce and defame your name as wiched on account of the son of man. be glad at such a time and leap for joy, for in heaven you reward is rich. their fathers treated the prophets just that way. alas , however, for you who are wealthy for you have enjoyed you comfort, alas for you who are filled up now , for you will suffer hunger. alas for you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep, alas when everyone praise you, for their fathers treated the false prophets just that way. (lq.,17.20-26)
Jesus is a prophets, he sees in the spirits.
you cannot be aware trying to escape pain by illusion out of your anger and blindness of the object that you do not enjoy. why you like gold, diament, art, money? who told you of their values? do you have a voice in your self or from the exploitive crowd. this will not stop the tears that have to come sooner or later OR YOU PREFER MORE ANGER&HUNGER TO ESCAPE YOUR CREATOR AND INFINATE REWARD? DO YOU PREFER ETENRAL HELL. WHEN WILL YOU HAVE LOVE IN YOU WHEN YOU WILL SEE GOD? IN YOU GOD OF DARKNESS!


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