15 y
Re: Paleo diet is sick
There's cooked paleo, there's raw paleo, there's paleo with dairy. Someone cannot unilaterally decide what is and isn't paleo. That's crap.
The basic idea of paleo is to eat as high on the food chain as possible, and yes raw is the ultimate as the benefits are much more profound. So called "paleo" is a marketing term coined simply to quantify a way of eating. There never was such a thing and as people go, so goes the idea about what is and isn't paleo.
It absolutely doesn't matter, what matters is what works best for you, not adhering to endless chorus lines of dogma.
The best approach is to avoid the hucksters with all their paleo this and that crap. Get Aajonus's books if you want to learn from the person who started this whole thing. Then go from there and see what works for you. You can cook if want but it's not highly recommended.
Eskimos did not cook on an all meat diet and except for one particular tribe lived as long and much more healthy than today's modern man. Of course until they were invaded in the 1800's.
Aajnous is 60ish, looking great and eats nothing but raw meat, etc. I don't know anyone eating predominaltey cooked paleo that is all that healthy. In fact the cooked paleo's eat far too much crap from fast food. Ray Audette was quoted as saying he eats 3 Big Macs without the buns, just meat. And of course he has a book telling you how healthy it is. Problem is it's totaly garbage meat, so I guess you could call that McPaleo. :)