Mukta Vati makes me tired? Adrenal Fatigue
I just started taking one pill a night, along with Hawthorne tea, with motherwort and lemon balm. I was really tired this AM, and am pretty dizzy also. You are supposed to take it on an empty stomache, and I did, but it seemed to knock me out. I have really bad Adremal Fatigue also.
I had this same problem with natural adrenal pills, they would knock me OUT, make me super tired.
Milk Thistle seemed to help with the blood pressure, then I stopped for some stupid reason, and it dies not have the same effect on me as it did. It also seemed to help with constant urination issue (9-11X ad day)
Uhg, I will push through with this though, but the bottle reccomended MORE than one a day, I have read one a day and alot of people see results, but they probably have well functioning adrenals. Nothing is easy.