RG, my mom...is there...
anything that my mother could do, that will speed up her healing process? The 'blotches' on her arms, wrists, and lower legs, are still very reddened, but, do appear lighter in color in the center of each blotch. Bless her heart, she is using her 8th tub of RGs cream. The itching that she has, at present, seems to be around the outside perimeter of the reddened areas, not the rash itself. So she's really hopeful, that means they are healing...
She has been doing so many CEs and then follows up with the occasional LF here and there. The resulting critter exodus is unbelievable! I mean it's just CRAZY. Of course, what she is seeing, are the die leftovers...she is okay, just really shocked at the amount and VARIETY, that have exited.
I don't think she's really up to starting her second round yet. She wanted to begin it on Febs. new moon, but is now hesitate. If that darn rash would just fade, I know she'd begin the next one, in March.
Even though she's suffered alot, with her first round, (she started, in Oct 09). I KNOW that she's relieved to be at this end of the first round. And she IS glad to know that the herbs were effective. I know you're always being thanked...it just can't be said enough. So, thank you again.
Anything that you would suggest to help her would be greatly appreciated. momo