Re: Interesting experience with drug
When we start using alternative practices and start reading our systems response we certainly get great personel experience which can fuel our further research and erode and evan override the hold that conventional anti-alternative reasoning can have on our understanding.
Your note relates a bit to how, when ( if healthy) we are juice or fruit fasting, along with practicing ut, we experience upliftment and peace with the continual imbibing of the urine and all that entails. We get the same experiences with regular healthy fasting but with the added ut, our experience is heightened quicker and thus with less stress taking place than does wout ut.
Furthermore w re to your note,it would seem to me that since the compound had been drank and digestivly processed with no unexpected result, before being UTherapied, the quick elimination is unclear to me, except as you said it was obviously routing the unwanted. So much cleansing happens when we move internally also, that that might affect the conclusion as to why exactly the Ut triggered the response. Especially since you obviously have a healthy system since you report drinking a cup at a time w no negative response.
w re to your next day easier comedown; Kinda like a reverse hair of the dog, like those who take asprin before a night " out" ( we would use Diaped like our parents used alka seltzer to add the lost vassopressins for hangover), or like in the instance of taking decongestants before riding big waves to lessen the sinus impaction from intense water intereaction, great data for planning ahead.
Gotta think UT is full of the good stuff the body craves at times, but has no storage facility genetically, cause we havent been injuring our systems in these civilized ways long enough I guess.