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Re: UT Addiction?
Shivambu Man Views: 2,628
Published: 15 y
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Re: UT Addiction?

I wouldn't call it an addiction but I am quite enjoying the natural cycles of my body. For example, drinking a cup of tea at 8pm ... might have to pee within an hour, it's like having a naturally regulated drink.

One aspect of it is that once you start and notice that subtle benefits are noticeable almost immediately, the idea of wasting it starts to seem ridiculous. I also feel this way about semen. I read a book a while ago, "Science discovers value of continence" or something like that which went into detail about semen. Anyway, it convinced me to never waste my seed again. I rarely spank the monkey but when I do I re-ingest my semen if I can. I look back on my teen years as madness in this regard (playing with yourself, spanking the monkey daily and wasting my seed daily...). I notice incredible health benefits from not wasting it (takes about a month of no sex, no self-gratification, no orgasm, no ejaculation to notice). Then it becomes just like Urine Therapy ... you don't want to waste your seed just like you don't want to waste your urine by washing it down the toilet.

Don't think of it as an addiction though or you'll only embarrass yourself at some point. Addicted to urine? No, you just take your medicine like a good boy/girl. :-)


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