Hi Chiron,
From my understanding a person will take ELP 1-9 several times and must take each one for at least 3 days each not mixing them.
For instance on our assessments it says to take ELP 1-9 for 90 days.
Although, it was not on our assessment protocol Stephen did tell me that after finishing ELP 1-9 the first time (27 days) we could then add ELP 10 for 2 weeks and then 11 for 2 weeks working our way up.
From my understanding at anytime you feel your energy dropping later on when you are no longer taking the ELP 1-9 you would then take the ELP 1-9 at that time.
From my understanding when adding the 10, 11 exctra they cannot be mixed in your daily mixture that would have any other ELP in it is that correct?