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Re: About taking malic acid capsules
lunari Views: 8,392
Published: 20 y
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Re: About taking malic acid capsules

I don't know the dose you're taking, but I take about 1500-2000mg of Malic Acid per day for a week prior to the flush.
You may want to adjust the ammount.
If it's too high, it may cause the pressure in GB area.
I also eat Granny Smith apples before the flush.
Also,here are a few things I add, you may want to experiment with.
I sometimes take lecithin with each meal containing any fat, followed with a Braggs Apple Vinegar drink.

I make and drink daily, Kombucha Tea.

I tried Chanca Piedra, and that works, as in incresing bile flow and breaking up stones (but I'm new to this herb, and not sure ofthe best dosage yet).
Another thing I added is to take an extra OO/G-LJ mix in the Am, beteween the 3rd and 4th Epsom Salts dose. Well worth the effort.

My last Liver-Flush (my 17th), I used a castor oil pack before the flush: just relaxed with it in place for 4 hrs prior, and left in on after drinkink the mixture.It's soothing and acts in further softening the stones.

Another thing I noticed, that if using lemons instead of grapefruit with the OO, I get more out (lemon contracts the Gb more).

After not having much results during my 14th&15th Lf, I got some biggies out the last time (1 1/2 in stones).
And,I thought I was almost stone free...But still get that feeling in the Gb area about aweek after the flush, so I know I have to press on.
Cheers... :)


I don't know the dose you're taking, but I take about 1500-2000mg of Malic Acid per day for a week prior to the flush.
You may want to adjust the ammout.
If it's too high, it may cause the pressure in GB area.
I also eat Granny Smith apples before the flush.
Also,here are a few things I add, you may want to experiment with.
I sometimes take lecithin with each meal containing any fat, followed with a Braggs Apple Vinegar drink.

I make and drink daily, Kombucha Tea.

I tried Chanca Piedra, and that works, as in incresing bile flow and breaking up stones (but I'm new to this herb, and not sure ofthe best dosage yet).

My last Liver-Flush (my 17th), I used a castor oil pack before the flush: just relaxed with it in place for 4 hrs prior, and left in on after drinkink the mixture.It's soothing and acts in further softening the stones.

Another thing I noticed, that if using lemons instead of grapefruit with the OO, I get more out (lemon contracts the Gb more).
After not having much results during my 14th&15th Lf, I got some biggies out the last time (1 1/2 in stones).And, I thought I was almost stone free...But still get that feeling in the Gb area about aweek after the flush, so I know I have to press on.
Cheers... :)


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