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I need help, please with distended belly and stomach movements
  Views: 2,223
Published: 15 y

I need help, please with distended belly and stomach movements

I am new to site and to natural health remedies. I'm not sure how to ask a question on the site. I was wanting to discuss and get help with my physical health problem. I gave birth, VBAC, to my 2nd son 20 mths ago and since then I've lost my baby fat, but have a distended belly. I have had lots of digestive problems. Early on after giving birth it was that I couldn't control my poo, it would just come out,& then had bleedings though didn't get my period back until just last month, and always had constipation and gas. I am 117 lbs, but my belly looks like I'm 4-6 months pregnant. Now, weirder than ever, my stomach just started this past weekend moving as if a baby inside was kicking or rolling over. I am 100% sure I am not pregnant. Just really seeking help and I do not go to regular doctors. What is this?? What causes it?? What can I do??


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