Hi Dennis,
I was diagnosed with episcleritis ~a month ago, and was given first a mixture of antibiotic and steroid (which made it worth), and then another doctor prescribed tear drops + steroid pred-forte 4 x day, which made it almost disapear, but when I was told to take it 2 x day, it became bad again. A week ago I stopped taking any supplements I was taking before. The herbology lesson you wrote a while ago (
says, that Eye Formula can be used to treat this disorder, but I have questions:
1.should I buy all the ingredients in an herb form? Or it can be used in the capsule form?(I have capsules of Billberry, Cayenne Pepper and Goldenseal Root at home)
2. How do I prepare the actual tea, decoction? Could you please elaborate?
And the main question - what could be the cause of it? I don't know of having any conditions, that could attribute to getting this disorder.
Sorry for the long post.
Thanks in advance,