Aviator, I am sorry to hear this is not a smooth ride for you. I have high BP, and cannot exercise BECAUSE I have adrenal fatigue. But when I do fast walking, my BP does stabilize, and is going down, but I cannot do anything the nedt day, just computer. Your doseage may be too high, age you going to see your doctor, or have you called him to see if he lowers the doseage? Did you have high BP when you started? I am going to try Isocort to start with, and hope to trasition to Cortef. I have no choice, I can do little with my adrenam fatigue. I have cataracts because of previous problems with contacts, and the adrenal fatigue kicked them in. My BP is going up because of my Adrenal fatigue, lack of exercise.
This is a tough road, and its a grey area medically.
Can you exercise at all? Does that help wth your BP? Try it if you can. (Fast walking)