Keep breastfeeding or quit? (severe candida in mommy)
I'm new here and am desperate for help. I believe I've been suffering with Candida my entire life (30 yrs). To make it short, I'm breastfeeding my 16 month old son who is still very much dependent on it (for nutrition and comfort). However, I'm starting to question whether or not it is the best thing for him. Everything I've read for the last year has said that the benefits of bf'g far outweight the toxins from the yeast. Since my milk came in at 2 days after birth he's had serious bloating/glas and bm problems-now very painful bm's/ constipation. He's seemed bothered most of his life =( Though when he gets relief (after a bowel mov.) he's much happier and plays better. My symptoms started getting (a tish) better and as of late started getting much worse. So hesitently I started taking olive leaf extract again to get some relief of my whole body arthritis- which worked. But my little man was terribly bothered during that time. We finally got some probiotics in the mail from custom probiotics (we're tried alot of brands) and we've started on them and he seems a bit happier (and I quit the ole). I'm very concerned about the toxins he's getting in my milk. Do I keep bf'g him and try to hold off on my own recovery or should we ween and go full force for both of us? I'm not sure I'm ready- I'm not sure I know exactly how to feed him to make sure he get's what he needs without mommy milk. I'm thinking of cutting back my food intake to cut back my milk (though that is extremely hard since my hypoglycemia has gotten really bad). He's a very smart boy- he know's where all his body parts are, can point to what u ask him to in books and in person, he makes eye contact, and know how to shake his head yes and no and iteracts well with his daddy and I (he's very shy with others). However, he used to say alot of words (early on) and now he won't really say anything- he just grunts and gets really frustrated when I ask him if he'll say certain words he used to say (I don't pressure him). from early on, he won't always respond when u'r talking to him- it seems like he really gets into what he's doing and ignores u- i think that's normal but it seems like other pp don't think so. he hit all his milestones early on but now it seems like things have halted with the talking. Please tell me what you would do- especially any breastfeeding/or form bf'g momma's. Thank you! (i'm sorry my paragraph is choppy and all over the place but it's hard to even make a sentence with my bairley working brain/fog.)(added: we're also non-vax and non-cow dairy/gluten and taking acv,l-gluatamine,pasturized goat milk kefir-can't find raw, kombucha sometimes, fresh veggie juice sometimes, barleymax, biotin sometimes, vitamin d daily, vitamin c, bcomplex,calc./mag,cod liver oil)(me; bloated,severe brain fog,hair loss, dry hair/nails/skin, exzema,dry itchy scalp, white tongue, new plaq problems, bumps on back of arms and front of thighs/legs, dizzy, blurry vision at times, migraines, mastitis ALOT, severe fatigue, many food and chemical and environmental allergies, anxiety, cravings, arthritis, aching pain throughout body, growths on bottom of feet that were removed (and grew back), tested negative for warts, bad memory, hard to think straight at all (very embarrassing), have to pee or urge to, ALL THE TIME, sinus problems I treat w/ gse, bad hypoglycemia, exausted adrenals. had to take progesterone to stay pregnant (after 2 miscarries). I'm sure I could keep going. =( (Starting to look into the body's ph balance.)