Re: Liver diet
Have you seen some of those pictures of diseased livers? My God man. Yeah, fatty liver, cancer, all kinds of things.
Mine was in pretty bad shape too. Fatty, cancer, not good.
Kill the bugs - decongest the liver.
Pioneer gives some good advice about what to eat. The biggest consideration is STOP POISONING YOURSELF. NO DRUGS. Not even for a little headache.
But yeah, all that fat is eliminated as the liver gets debugged and decongested.
The Orange juice fast is valid once the bugs are gone and the liver back on line again. But I don't agree with prolonged fasting. Nor total vegetarian. You need the meat protein. I explain why in "The Pardigm Shift".
If you have a fatty liver now I wouldn't be waiting to do something about it. Get some of Barefoots DeWormer and start flushing once a week for at least a month or two. And stay on the DeWormer for a good year.
This isn't very much fun but it works.
Oh, drink distilled water.