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leaky cell!
nordskoven Views: 1,042
Published: 20 y

leaky cell!

Dr. Larrian Gillespie, the "Hormone Diva" (free e-newsletter--get it) first popularized Leaky Cell in her book, "You Don't Have to Live with Cystitis." I highly commend it. My physical therapist commended Gillespie's Leaky Cell diet as helping with my Fibromyalgia. It is definitely a low-pain diet, avoiding amino acids like Tryptophan as inducing pain twenty minutes later in her patients.

Gillespie made the breakthrough that Leaky Cell was causing minerals to leak from cells into urine, causing alkaline urine. Other physicians thought the alkaline urine meant the system was too alkaline and would make the system more acid (cranberry juice). But Leaky Cell is aggravated by an acid system. Gillespie treats by alkalanizing, as in taking a pinch of baking soda in water!

The cell is covered by the G.A.G. layer, Glyco-Amino-Glycans, chemically the same as Chondroitin. It is gooey, and holds minerals in suspension. When this is stripped away, the ION PUMP guardians on the cell surface are compromised, and POTASSIUM AND TAURINE leak out, and CALCIUM leaks in.

Calcium goes to patch irritation, laying down calcium patches in connective tissue and that is why Fibromyalgia hurts. This calcium deposition was seen in one study I found in France where tissue was "core sampled" to find calcium deposits. Is calcium the bad guy? Leaky Cell is the problem. Get Gillespie's book as best tutorial on Leaky Cell and how it can affect organs (bladder) and tissue groups in different people, and follow her diet.

Leaky Cell is being treated in heart patients with NIACIN (to strike deep into capillaries) and TAURINE. I'd include any other nutrients leaked out, especially POTASSIUM. Add MAGNESIUM which will keep CALCIUM in solution. Throw in a little ORGANIC SODIUM, NOT SALT OR SODIUM HYDROCHOLORIDE from CELERY! Juice on! Beef up the G.A.G. layer with CHONDROITIN, also used in heart patients to regulate cholesterol!

Perk up the glyco-protein lipid cell surface with BORAGE SEED OIL and other Essential Fatty Acids, not FLAX as it blocks Iodine uptake. Restore GLUCOSAMINE, taken separately from Glyco-Amino-Glycans (CHONDROITIN), to be taken six hours later as this is the order they are used, not together! Feed TAURINE!

LEAKY CELL IS A GREAT MODEL! Tell me what you think and let's keep one another in prayer for miracles of healing for the Creator's honor and glory. Thanks.



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