Somebody mentioned the federal reserve. The analogy is spot on. When one considers the inter-locks in place enabling global intelligence agencies to be all that they currently be, it would be quite the feat to take out the cia. To do so will require taking out the power behind the cia which happens to be the same power behind the all the other major intelligence agencies world wide, starting with British MI and connecting to many other intel dots as well as taking out the lion's share of the USDoD which in turn will require knocking out major pieces of the collective MIC, like GE/NBC, Exxon/Mobil/SO and the rest of the worldwide petro syndicate, Boeing, IBM, Lockheed, ATT/ITT/Bell, Microsoft, Halliburton, Raytheon, USSteel, just to name a relative few.....but what the hey. If one is going to think radical, might as well think big. Go for it!