Re: Water Fast for Cancer?
hello flower, I am in your area, I would seriously look into Chaga. It may grow somewhere near you; you may be able to harvest it on a walk...+...alternately, you can buy it from someone nearby, if you look it up on the net.
I commend you for your opennness to the WF. I believe it can do a lot. I did one last year for 29 days, and it resolved many smallish but potentially troubling issues. There used to be a Toronto-area
Water Fasting specialist, but I don't know who's around anymore...If I come across anything -will look tomorrow- I'll PM you. I would wonder if you have the mineral reserves to complete a long (more that about three weeks)fast. But, as you may know, your will and faith is(are) everything!!!
keep the faith!
edit--I have the sense that doctor mentioned above is the one I was thinking of--last I read he was not supervising fasting anymore...was in the US? 'edit edit! well, it seems Dr. Kim may be available, after all.