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Re: RE Armour
Hveragerthi Views: 1,155
Published: 15 y
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Re: RE Armour

First thing you need to keep in mind is that there are NUMEROUS reasons for a low thyroid. Trying to narrow down possible causes will go a long way to figuring out what the best herbs or supplements would be for the condition.

As for your claim of lack of side effects in some people. Atrophy of the gland is a side effect of glandulars. So you don't think this is a side effect or can cause problems? Side effects are not always obvious, and too often people do not relate their side effects to the drugs they are taking. And yes, Armour is a drug. And yes, not everyone will have side effects to the drugs they are taking, at least not serious ones that they will attribute to the drug. But this line of reasoning is akin to the addict who started out saying I will not get addicted to......

All drugs carry risks, whether natural or synthetic. And just because something is a natural drug this does not make it safer. And just like raw diets and green drinks will not work for everyone, neither will Synthroid or Armour. But to tell people that they should take it for weight loss without understanding the fact that this is a drug with risks and that weight gain also has a number of causes is irresponsible. This is not a drug to be used indiscriminately. Just like the cause of hypothyroidism should be addressed instead of masked, the same applies to weight gain. Maybe they are one in the same such as excess estrogen. In fact let's say both are from excess estrogen. If you only address the symptom by reving up the metabolism with Armour then the high estrogen still exists, which can still contribute to other diseases such as cancer. Again it is important to get to the cause instead of band-aiding a symptom like mainstream medicine loves to do, and is in large part my they fail so miserably.


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