saw the dentist closest to me who has 18 years of experience doing cavitation surgery yesterday. glad I made the trip! they advised that I wait to find out if my insurance will cover the surgery before I go ahead with it b/c it's such a huge out-of-pocket expense. decided to wait for now. Cavitat machine confirmed that i have 4 cavitation sites in my mouth and my husband has three in his. a chiropractor working out of the same office was able to do muscle testing to confirm which tooth sites had the cavitations - amazing stuff! he also used muscle testing to test for safe composite materials to be used for both of us - pretty cool! had about 6 filings replaced that had started to loose their seal and allow food to get trapped between tooth and filling and had a couple cavities under those spots taken care of all while under conscious sedation - very nice option I must say. you don't really remember much of the procedure as you fall into a light sleep. husband also had a mercury vapor test done confirming that level of mercury escaping from his filling each time he chews is 0.3 as compared to the level considered toxic by the EPA being 0.1 - yikes! so he had that one Amalgam filling safely removed wearing a mask and intraveneous vitamin C to speed healing. no we play the waiting game to see what insurance will say. I have BCBS for my medical insurance but this office says that company in their experience, won't pay. has to be filled as a medical claim, not dental b/c it's a surgery. not sure which insurance companies will cover it though. anyone have any ideas?