Re: ran some frequencies
I was running Borrelia_B. DNA frequencies and in Newport suggested I try Borrelia_G.
I definitely seem to be responding better to the Borrelia_G. frequencies.
As for all of the other co-infections, I have most of the DNA frequencies for them but I am not running them at the moment.
This is because my treatments with the plasma bulb using the Borrelia_G. are VERY intense. I can only do about four minutes on each shoulder, although I can go for about 35 or 40 minutes on my knees. Once those treatments are done that's it. I can't deal with anymore rife that day.
So, since the Borrelia_G. frequencies are helping me and I can only do so many treatments at a time that is the frequency I am concentrating on.
As I continue to improve and able to endure longer and longer treatments I will include more and different frequencies in my treatments.