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Re: Safety of oxygen based colon cleansers

Kidney Stones Remedy
Hulda Clark Cleanses

NewUK Views: 2,116
Published: 15 y
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Re: Safety of oxygen based colon cleansers

I've been taking Oxypowder since last September and it's been a bit of a life saver for me but I have constipation issues which you don't have. I get no stomach burning. Infact I only had positive results with it. The first week I took it I slept very well, felt energised and my dry skin went. Clearly I was absorbing some of the magnesium though that is not supposed to happen.

You get liquid explosive BMs (sorry to be graphic) which are embarassing to say the least but you don't get the urgency and stomach cramps like you do with laxatives. It really seems to work differently to Milk of Magnesia (same ingredient) which obviously would be cheaper to take.

It bothers me that I have to take it routinely but I have found no other product as effective. I have tried everything!

Also - I take it with lemon juice. Recommended for people with low stomach acidity.


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