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Fluoride debate - nothing to debate here :)Re: Disagree + evidence +EDIT (you're SELLING it?) Let's debate this....
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Fluoride debate - nothing to debate here :)Re: Disagree + evidence +EDIT (you're SELLING it?) Let's debate this....

Note to moderators - perhaps you feel this post/thread would be better in the Fluoride Debate forum - if so, I certainly won't take any offense if you choose to move it.   --Uny

Oh good. You are clearly educated about this topic. That makes this debate more worthwhile. 

:::grin:::  Yes, I've been "CZing" for five years and researching natural health & healing for almost 10 years - you're welcome to stop by my forum anytime.  Speaking of which, I am extremely pressed for time (my forum is 'semi-closed' and I'm working 16+ hours daily while coaching others and composing 'novels worth' of FAQs), so this will be very brief...especially since there's really nothing here that's actually debateable.  So please don't assume my brevity is a lack of respect.

Fluoride (particularly in it's unnatural 'chemical' form) is one of THE most insidious, health-destroying poisons known to mankind.  Depending upon the knowledge base of the person (and ability/desire to see through the deeply imbedded lies that have been promulgated for decades), this fact can take days or years to learn and comprehend.  I simply don't have time to present the 'years worth' of evidence here.  The forum most likely to have the most valid information on fluoride on CZ is this one: Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT…

Let me address your points one by one.

1.) You pointed out that Fluconazole is derived from fluoride. I must admit I did not know that. Thank you for giving that information. However, the 1st and 2nd website you referenced, Fluoride Toxicity Research Collaborative, clearly states the following.

“This list is only to be used to identify drugs that are fluorinated. It is not to be used to determine any drug's potential for toxicity.

It is also important to emphasize that fluorinated drugs represent a different category of fluorine compounds (organofluorines) than the fluorine compounds (inorganic fluorides) used in dentistry and water fluoridation. It is unclear to what extent, if any, the fluorinated drugs listed here may increase the body burden of inorganic fluoride. This uncertainty is amplified by the lack of available data from the pharmaceutical companies.


It is the position of the FTRC that more research be undertaken to clarify the potential for organofluorine compounds to metabolize into inorganic fluoride in the body. FTRC’s concern is based on recent research showing that some fluorinated drugs (e.g., many anesthetics) may in fact increase the body’s burden of fluoride. It is imperative, therefore, that additional research be conducted to determine how many other organofluorine drugs, and which ones, result in increased inorganic fluoride exposure.”

Clearly more research is needed before you can jump to conclusions. And I've done that research (as have countless others on CZ and in 'real life', not to mention those that have jeopardized/lost their careers by exposing the truth).   In fact, MOST of the websites that explore the toxicity of Fluorine relate to specific chemical structures, such as Sodium fluoride (formula NaF) and Sodium monofluorophosphate (formula Na2PFO3). Both of these are inorganic compounds, not organofluorines which are found in pharmaceuticals.  All these forms of fluoride are volatile poisons - even naturally occuring fluoride (taken in more than the very minimal/trace amounts our body may require) is health destroying.  Google "endemic fluorosis" to learn more (about "natural" fluoride).

2.) Then you listed another link ( showing that Fluconazole indeed has fluoride as one of its chemical components. Thank you for the chemistry lesson. I must admit at first all the chemical jargon was intimidating, but 5 hours of research, and a bit of remembering all those years of high school chemistry and biology helped a little. Although I don’t even dare to say I know as much as a chemist. Regardless those links didn’t provide anything more than a chemistry lesson.

3.) You then gave me a link of a google search you did on “fluoride + fluconazole” ( The only search result that showed any supposed evidence of a negative effect between fluoride and fluconazole was the very first search result, which was I must admit this webpage was rather disappointing. Clearly it wasn’t from any research journal, or even a medical or science magazine, newspaper, or any other media source. On that webpage, they stated that,

“On this and associated websites there are links to over 60,000 studies from peer-reviewed scientific journals from around the globe”.

In total I counted 9 links on that webpage, 6 of which were broken (that is they didn’t point to any other website). Out of the remaining 3 links, 1 pointed to a website that sold a water filtration product, 1 pointed to some website called  The Fluoride Education Project, and 1 pointed to the Weston A. Price Foundation website. I actually like the Weston A. Price foundation website, but in that article they don’t even speak about Fluconazole, they speak about ciprofloxacin, and the correlation they suggest between Ciprofloxacin and Flourine is speculative at best. In fact they say:


"The most common side-effects due to Cipro, reported in 2-16 percent of cases, are gastrointestinal in nature and equal those reported when children accidentally ingest "too much" fluoride from their toothpaste. These symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Why


Ciprofloxacin administration always results in elevated serum fluoride levels.12 In a series of tests evaluating the safety of ciprofloxacin in children, serum fluoride levels increased after 12 hours in 79 percent of the children; on day 7 the 24-hour urinary fluoride excretion was higher in 88.9 percent of children observed.12"

They use circumstantial evidence to relate ingestion of Cipro to Fluoride poisoning. There could be a number of reasons why children got gastrointestinal problems when taking Cipro. I'd like to see them show evidence that the fluorine is causing this. In fact, they left out the last part of that research article, which you can find at ( It states:

"In conclusion, ciprofloxacin may be recommended for use in children for short duration when effective alternative antibacterials are unavailable. However, there is a need for further studies to evaluate the tissue accumulation of fluoride and its potential to cause toxic effects."

Clearly further studies are needed before one can draw a correlation. "Further studies" are only needed by those that haven't yet studied fully.  Of course, the minimal links and information posted in this thread are conclusive only in that they prove this topic is a subject of debate for those that haven't fully researched.

4.) Next you provided a link ( where people posted their experience with Difulcan. The side effects listed where a mix between none reported and some side effects. Most side effects included nausea, dizziness, headache, rash, drowsiness, cramps, itchy skin, etc. All of those side effects are listed as the most common possible side effects of Fluconazole. They are superficial and subside after your body adjusts to the medicine, however if they persist it is recommended that you consult your doctor of pharmacist. In rare cases liver dysfunction has been reported, but usually that is only in people who already have problems with their liver or patients who have underlying medical conditions which effect the liver. Basically, all prescription drugs have possible side effects. It's up to you to weigh the benefits with the potential side effects you may experience. Out of the hundreds of thousands of patients who take anti fungal medicines around the world, the number of complaints on that website you provided seem rather small. Perhaps you noted that many people reported they'd taken it in the past without issue, but upon taking another course, they developed effects they could see and feel.  That's because fluoride is a cumulative poison - each dose makes one more susceptible to seeing & feeling the damage it is doing.

5.) Next you provided a link to a thread you replied to ( in which you are simply giving your opinion on side effects. Again, nice to know information, but it's just one person's experience out of millions, and your opinion on their experience. That was not opinion nor was it based on "one person's experience" or many people's experiences You also said,

"These fluorinated/fluoridated drugs are VERY dangerous (symptoms and side-effects can last for years); from your past posts it appears you've taken it (without problems, I assume)...but that doesn't mean your body hasn't been adversely affected."  This is a truth.  Every substance we put into our body has an action (whether we feel/sense/see it or not).  Ingesting fluoride has a myriad of actions in the human body - those actions occur whether we sense them or not

You are correct in saying that I didn't have any side effects from the Biozole. The only thing I felt was the die-off effect from the Candida. I just felt like I had a cold or flu for about a week, and then the symptoms subsided. Since you quoted a personal opinion, i'll quote one back. This is from a guy named Michael over at

"Michael: Hi All, I would like to get my thoughts in on the topic of natural vs synthetic antifungals. I do think that the natural antifungals (the ones that actually show some activity against candida) have a place in this illness. I think they should be the first line treatment in very mild cases. The natural antifungals that seem to work are garlic, caprylic acid, and Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE), with GSE being the most potent of the three (if you are able to tolerate it).

The buyer must be aware though. Candida is slowly becoming a profitable business for vitamin companies. Some products contain so little of the active herb that they won’t do a thing. Crook’s book mentions that

“candida strains were shown to be actively growing in Pau d’Arco tea --- yet people still buy it.” This proves the power of anecdotal evidence.

I think it’s ridiculous however for someone suffering severely from a systemic case with all the signs and symptoms (gas, bloating, diarrhea, depression, insomnia, severe fatigue, thrush, vaginal, fog, prostate, allergies, etc.), to not take advantage of the known and proven candida killers such as Lamisil, Diflucan, Sporanox and Nystatin.

I would be dead right now if it wasn’t for Lamisil! I was at one point going to bed each night convinced that I wouldn’t make it through the night. I’m only 30 years old. I was so brain-fogged and literally staggering drunk from the candida toxins that I couldn’t even put a Will together! I had to crawl on my hands and knees to get to the washroom. I was like that for five years.

I’m providing this information so that others’ will understand that when we say we have “candida”, they will know that there are varying degrees of this illness. One person may simply have a rash, and the other is on a life support system in an infectious disease unit with 10 white coats standing over him/her scratching their heads.

Thanks to rotating with Lamisil, Diflucan & Sporanox, plus diet and supplements, I am 75% back to good health in one year. I’m left with only Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS), and food allergies to battle. Without the use of a systemic antifungal, it would take years for a systemic case to show even mild improvement. To quote doc Darren’s paper:

“Natural antifungal products are far too weak to have any significant effect or else they would be used in cases of severe mycosis.”

I think people giving advice to others like “don’t take synthetic antifungals,” and “synthetics are hard on the liver,” should stop and consider what they are saying before they push that post button. That sort of advice could make the difference between someone whom is severely ill, getting their health back or dying of “unknown causes.” A short-term strain on the liver from Lamisil or Diflucan is no match for a lifetime of acetaldehyde, ammonia, and the 70 or so other toxins that candida strains generate.

I hope my post will encourage those who are suffering from a severe candida infection to seek AGGRESSIVE treatment for their situation."

The bottom line is?  Overgrowths of candida (or any disease state in the body) is not caused by a lack of pharmaceuticals or unnatural chemicals/substances of any kind.  There are always healthier & safer ways to treat disease than by ingesting unnatural substances and poisons.

Finally, you said that something just didn't feel right about my past posts. Not sure what you mean by "feel right". My post is real. My story is real. Those pics are from my endoscopy done back in 2007. I'm sharing my story because if an esophageal Candida infection can happen to me, then I assume it can happen to others. My doctor gave me Biozole which I took for 14 days and that cleared up my infection. Would I do it again? Absolutely. If you had smelled my breath, maybe you would understand. I am happy that she prescribed me that medicine because I finally kicked a problem that had caused me so much embarrassment for the majority of my life. The only reason I am offering it to people is because I know that doctors in general refuse to believe in Candida. In most cases they offer no support to their patients in regards to Candida. I'm sure some people would appreciate my offer. To be honest, I don't like to take prescription meds either, but I know sometimes they are necessary when dealing with a certain condition. If you read my post, I only took the Biozole for 14 days, and for the past 2 years I have been taking natural anti fungals to keep the Candida from coming back. In my case I believe the prescription anti fungals where necessary to clear my esophageal Candida infection, and I believe the natural anti fungals have kept it from coming back. Of course people are free to choose whatever treatment they feel is best for them.  I am glad when anyone relieves their symptoms without suffering great damage from pharmaceuticals; I also know that enough research and effort put into healing naturally, will yield an effective AND safe healing.  Just because "you" tried and failed with alternative/natural methodology, doesn't mean it's ineffective - it means you didn't understand enough to know which protocols to choose and use.  I believe your 'story' is true, and that others may choose to ingest poisons to kill their overgrowths of Candida with some level of "success".   I also know that many of the "natural" anti-fungal protocols are very ineffective (because "killing" doesn't address the cause of the overgrowth, and many times because the products are not pure or strong enough to do what they're capable of doing if they were formulated using higher standards and more pure substances).  There are millions of people that have used prescription pharmaceuticals (and natural remedies) that have NOT cured their overgrowths...again, lack of pharmaceuticals or unnatural substances/antifungals is NOT the cause of a candida overgrowth.  The fact that you are selling (or about to sell) toxic drugs WHILE promoting their use (and strongly insinuating they are safe and/or minimizing adverse effects, whether seen or unseen) is what made/me me is indeed very rare for someone to have a financial interest in something that has an objective mind, especially if the substance that worked for them threw them no apparent side-effects.   And yes, I do have an herbal apothecary and sell herbs - so I am aware of the likely conflict.  (We created our "apothecary inventory" for own use --to save money for ourselves & like-minded friends & family-- long before we ever started "selling").

Thanks for reading. Look forward to your response.  You're welcome, of course.  Again, my apolgies for brevity and not addressing all of your points in "proper debate format" (they've all been addressed on CZ countless times and I simply do not have the time).  The evidence/truth of the dangers of fluoride and fluorinated/fluoridated pharmaceuticals is well known & understood (for those with 'eyes to see').  So please understand, it's not likely I'll have the time to respond to any future posts in this thread.   I wish you well on your healing pathways.

Healthiest of blessings,




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