Re: Colonics- beneficial or harmful??!!
Yes, it's a good question. I'm pretty sure a
colonic will not eradicate your good bacteria. It will flush out all the good and bad bacteria that is within your faecal matter. However enough good bacteria should be residing within your mucous membranes to grow back after the colonic.
However that doesn't prove that a
colonic is necessarily beneficial. I've never had a colonic, but I've had a lavage, which is somewhat similar, if more extreme. A lavage purges pretty much everything out of both your small and large bowels. I was told by my GI doctor that most people feel much better after a lavage. The reasoning being all the pathogens and toxins are removed. However I felt much worse for around 4-6 weeks. My 'take' on this, was that the lavage washed 99% of the bacteria out of my bowels, and my yeast took advantage of this to multiply.
I think it depends on which organisms are dominant in your bowel mucous membranes, and which will 'bounce back' quickest. For me, the bad guys (I assume it is yeast, but it could be other pathogens too) grew back quicker than the good guys.
However I can see the logic in wanting to wash out compacted faeces sticking to the bowel walls which may be harboring yeast and other pathogens. Plenty of knowledgeable people recommend them, so I am loathe to dismiss them as no value.
Sorry if I sound unsure about colonics, it's because I am unsure. I think it can go either way, and may depend on the individual. Perhaps do one or two and be guided by your response over the next week or so. Don't worry about washing all your good bacteria away though. The worst case is that they may take a month to build their numbers back up.
Let me know how you go.