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I am blood type 0 and thrive on animal protein
  Views: 1,213
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I am blood type 0 and thrive on animal protein


I am not a vegetarian and do not intend to become one. I value a lot of the information on Curezone, and am aware that many of the wonderful people who post advocate vegetarianism, but this is an area in which I have a different opinion. I was a vegetarian for many years, but was advised by a holistic chiropractor that I had a body that needed to eat animal protein, and especially red meat. I followed her advice, and found out that red meat was a tonic food for me - it increased my energy and sense of wellbeing hugely. I have red the blood-type books, and feel that the information in them is very, very sound. I am a blood type 0 person - my body thrives on red meat.



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