Three MAIN Reasons For Using Alcohol When Making Tinctures
This is at the very end:
>>>The amount of alcohol per dose is so insignificant; there is more alcohol in some mouthwashes. The amount of alcohol in the average dose of tincture is equal to the amount of alcohol in a ripe banana. This dosage has been tested on people, who are alcohol sensitive with NO adverse reactions. It is also a SAFE amount for anyone in a 12 step program or Alcoholics Anonymous. ****If you're still concerned about the alcohol, you can place the tincture in a cup, pour boiling water into the cup, and the alcohol will evaporate within seconds.****<<<
What I do:
When taking doses where alcohol content becomes an issue, I keep a very small amount of distilled water in a tea kettle on the stove. Before every dose, I turn on the tea the minute or two it takes to ingest the 'dose at hand' the water is boiling. After that dose, I put the next dose in the glass and splash it with a couple-three tablespoons of boiling water and set it aside on the counter to cool. That way my next dose is always ready and I don't have to waste any time waiting for the water to boil or for it to cool enough to ingest it.