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My Umpteenth Flush....
southern belle Views: 1,074
Published: 21 y

My Umpteenth Flush....

I decided it was time for another flush, so last night was the night.

I ate nothing but green apples all day and was really excited since it's been several months since my last flush. I am one of the ones who flushed ALL the stones out of their body. The last 5/6 Liver Flushes have produced very little.

Believe it or not, I get really bummed out when I have seen no stones the last few flushes. It was always so exciting when I saw those bad boys floating in the toilet! But, those days are long gone because last night's flush.... once again, I had NOTHING!!!

But, on a positive note, those of you who think you will never be rid of all your stones, just think of me. I did it.



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