"That said not sure how you can reach the Adrenals with oral Turmeric..."
Turmeric was most helpful to symptoms that involves the adrenals; namely allergy / sneezing / sinus problem both for me and also lately my brother.
I definitely had more effect of organic (non irradiated) turmeric compared to store bought. I took enzymes with it to make it work properly + cayenne pepper.
I went from sneezing 30-50 times a day down to 3-4 times a day within 2-3 months. This was before the Iodine and in the beginning of Iodine supplementation. I now both cook with it + take half a teaspoon now and then. A good companion is pineapple, as it contain enzymes that help to utilize the turmeric.
Turmeric is one of the herbs & spices James Wilson mention in his book "The 21st-Century Stress Syndrome" as it stimulate the adrenals and reduce inflammation caused by low cortisol.