Just thought I was due for an update...
11 months post removal.
Today is my period's 1st day, maybe that is why i am feeling so bad, but my legs are SO weak and tired today - feels like I was clubbed in my thighs, and a bit in my upper arms. I have a headache and am dizzy, and SO tired.
At night, my arms still fall asleep, and I get little 'jolts' when I relax, like my muscles are misfiring as I lay in bed... weird.
Migraine meds seem to have somewhat helped my weird headache stuff, although today I am still suffering.
Anxiety is still there, mainly about driving with the kids in the car, I am so scared the weakness will hit and I will be alone with two small children.
I actually just sent my mom to get my son from school because I just didnt feel like I could do it, I went and volunteered there for an hour early in gym class with the K students, and I am just so tired from that... like it is taking all i have to have my fingers type right now.
Best of luck everyone.