15 y
Status: R [Message
recommended by a moderator!]
To newbies--at the top of the homepage are links to recommended threads
Yay! My recent thread has been triple-recommended (RRR), which is really nice. It is:
"If you are new here and seem to have cheilitis, these are some things to think about" at webpage:
...especially since people don't tend to reply to my postings, say they are glad for me, say goodbye, or anything neighborly like that. ;-) ;-)
However, when I clicked on the "RRR" link at the top of the Peeling Lips home page, it said that there are no RRR postings at all.
I wonder if this is to do with the fact that my postings were mistakenly changed a couple of weeks ago to be "not searchable".
However, I think that there were some RRR threads about 2 months ago, when I last read all those recommended posts that were at the top of the page, so it may not be just my recent post that is not showing up, but older RRR threads too.
Anyway, those cryptic links across the top of the home page are links to various highly-recommended posts from the past 5 years of this forum, which are well worth spending the time to read through, especially if you are new here. They look like this:
Do give them a skim! Lots of good information.