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This is how I have done it
wellnessyoga Views: 2,631
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 155,229

This is how I have done it

Daily Mini Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse Recipe
Lemon & Olive oil drink can be taken daily until improvement is noticed. ( I have done it for three weeks before my first "real" flush)You need:
one organic/ unwaxed lemon (or ½ of a large lemon)
one Table spoon of organic Extra virgin olive oil
(Optional: a piece of fresh ginger root 1" X 1")
one glass to one glass & a half of clean spring water or filtered water.
Wash the Lemon, then roughly chop it, including the rind & put in a blender. Add the table spoon of Virgin Olive oil & the glass & a half of water - blend this for 60 seconds - strain & drink. Brush teeth so lemon juice won’t damage tooth enamel.
If drunk all in one go first thing in the morning (an hour before eating) it will detox the Liver & Gallbladder.
I have seen another mini flush on this site,a little different, calling for 2 Tbs.of OO., but I have no experience with it. Would like to hear comments on it, though....


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