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Sick of the propaganda
plankton9 Views: 1,886
Published: 15 y
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Sick of the propaganda

What blatant stupidity.   Well, I'm sick of ignoramuses who are intent on destroying this nation by means of spreading lies and half truths.  If idiots that spout this nonsense where ever to actually LIVE, not take it from a commie proffesor at a "uneeveahsatee of hiagh leahninggg" nor take  a state sponsored guided tour into a communist country, then you'd stop living off fairy tales.

A friend of mine who is dirt poor, yes,.....very, very poor....developed some horrible pains that landed them at a hospital's emergency.  NO insurance.  Turned away?  No way.   This person was treated for months for a massive infection before they could actually treat what was realy wrong, a ruptured appendix.  After the operation, diabetic complications showed up, and there was a two week hospitalizatrion and treatment as well.  I said, no job, no money, no insurance!!!

What's wrong with health care in this country is not a lack of it, but the quality, as pharmaceutical companies are the ones calling all the shots.  Why not spend your energies fighting that very real and present danger???  Oh, I know, it's not politically expedient.

Grow up.



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