Re: My Adrenal Full Recovery Regimen - WORKS WONDERS
I got some hydrocortisone cream, from the supermarket, and it is: hydrocortisone 1% cream; it has fractionated coconut oil, methylparaben, propylparaben and white petrolatum. I know that these ingredients are not ideal, but it is what I have at the moment, and I am wondering how I should dose the cream topically, to fit your dosing schedule?
I had also heard that ginseng wasn't that great for low cortisol levels; obviously you have had improvements, so I am wondering if you had low cortisol levels to begin with?
I have been on Isocort, and while my temperatures have increased, I am not feeling up to par as of yet...I am also doing a diluted 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide protocol...I am interested in your remedy...
Please let me know what you think.